Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Vegas- a people trap.

Daily Adventures he says...

It begins on a dark night, in a dark place, in a land far far away. It actually began this morning, and it was light outside, in my house in PA, but I guess it makes for at least a brief moment of suspense.

Today I ventured off to concrete buildings filled with cattle mostly. It starts when you get in your car you know, or for others, big monsterous SUV's that say BMW or Mercedes-Benz on the front. You drive on roads until you get to busier roads with more and more signs. At a prescribed time you get in a certain lane and turn a certain direction. The momentum picks up. Now you are trapped! You are either in the right turning lane or the left. Cars all around. At the last moment you decide to change lanes only to realize the one you left is moving faster. Once you drive around and around, looking like a lost child, you finally find one, you go to turn in and SHOOT, stupid small vehicle is in there, no room for you. Once you shutdown and go inside you have many options. Where do you go? What do you eat for lunch? What do you buy? Is there a better deal elsewhere? Does 70% off really mean 70%?


I used a $10 off coupon today! Ya, I'm impressed with myself.
My parents think I am nutzo.
My dog is nutzo.
I too maybe cattle.
Hot tea time.

Tyler Durden: You wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

sorry ya'll

Hello again folks!

I don't know how long this will be, I guess it depends on how much I want to write huh?
There are many stories I can tell, and some I care not to tell, so I guess I'll just start typing. Last week about Monday or so I got the final word that I no longer would have a job at HC. They tell me I may be able to work full-time in March, but I am not sure how that will work. Also last Monday I applied at HC to become a student. It is my prayer going out in the form of an application. I will soon know the outcome of that prayer, hopefully soon. Monday in the afternoon after I received word of no-job I left for PA. I was home for dinner, admired my dad's house work some more, and ate good food and relaxed drinking tea in a new mug :)

Tuesday started early with me going to Mark's shop with my dad to pick up a lathe that was given to mi padre. My dad was quite excited to get a new big wood working toy for free! Then we did other random stuff, went to my church, went to a shoe repair place to pick up boots of my dads, and some other places. Transcripts from BC3 got sent as well!!!

Oh must I go on. short version...Mr.Kerry was late, we missed out flight to Florida tuesday evening, so we flew out Wednesday early instead. Building the dock in Florida was fun, slow at first, but enjoyable. Doing mostly mindless work enables me to think yet again about transitions in life. P w/o C.

So building was fun, remodeling the house was enjoyable yet frustrating at times. Building is almost as good as hot tea by a fire with snow falling outside. Building when other people pay for supplies and when it is not your house or place helps me learn without it costing so much. Know what I mean? REALLY? i shall explain because I am bored...

i have been doing set construction since well, a long while. It started in 7th grade I think at NorthWay. Then 9th grade in highschool. So at least 6 years for my church, and 4.5 for highschool. 4.5 years for highschool you ask? Yes, I built set the year after I graduated because I was around and was asked. Anyway. You get to learn and build and can afford to mess up because #1-it's just a set, and #2-well mostly number one. It is bad to mess up and say "that is ok" just because it is someone else's and you didn't pay for it. Not good stewardship I think.

2 days ago I got to tear down set at Houghton Academy. It is always a little sad tearing down a set that took 50 hours to build. I could of got 2 or 3 credits for doing all that, which I found out afterwards. (tear)

wOw, I must be bored, I am still writing...

Traveling back into my florida story...we worked really hard Sunday from 6:15 till 4:15. I think I made someone really tired that day. Then we went to get our flight back to PA and it was delayed. We had a non-direct flight so I first delayed plane made us miss our second flight from Atlanta to PA. Hotel in Atlanta Sunday night, back to Pittsburgh Monday morning. Monday was lunch with mi madre, then off to Houghton for the set deconstruction party. I got to listen to an Amy sing really really well for her Senior recital then company with friend.
Yes, Tuesday I slept in, (like you care) and went to "work" (the job i no longer have) to try to finish up some things. A DH visited me and we chatted. A HSB came to the office and then we all went to to lunch.
From there it gets really random and who cares for the play by play? Everyone gets bored while doing homework, or workwork and must browse around and find something to read right?

more snippets....

I cut my finger today, not too bad, but it hurts.
My jetta isn't so good in the snow, i must get used to it's handling and not having a jeep anymore
jetta> jeep when gas=$2.39 per gallon.
I'm done.

Tommorow is thanksgiving :) Family, Food, Football.

Friday, November 11, 2005

puppet under construction

Just really confused that's all...this may be the last day of my blog.

I am a puppetunderconstruction.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

why a blog?

So the other day the following conversation arose (not about me):

person#1-He has an online journal? One of those blog things?
person#2-Yes, he does, you can read what he is thinking. Kind of weird sometimes, he does have a poetic side to him though, it's interesting.
person#1-Man, when I grew up people used to put locks on their diary's and journals and hide them, now people but them on the Internet for the world to see. Why would people want to do that?
person#3-I don't know, WHY would someone do that?

Those aren't direct quotes but that is how the convo went. It made me think though, not right at the moment, but later I pondered that question, "Why put your thoughts and journal stuff online for the world to see?"

So here is what I came up with, "one more time, list style"

A-not so much my journal at all, reading that would put people to sleep.(or make you cry)
B-more of a "read about my life, update on me thing"
C-yes I know, I can call people and they can call me so they can keep updated on me, it's more than that though.
D-this "blog" has pictures-why email 20 people just a picture
E-people I wouldn't normally talk to can see this
F-it is something to do when I am bored (better than video games no?)
G-it allows me to be creative where I otherwise would not be

I think A-G is all I can come up with.

Back to the normal "blog" type material...

Set construction makes me want to build things, more things, furniture. I want to make a desk, or a bunk bed, maybe a coffee table. I want to build something for my future house. A rockin' chair would be difficult. I want to make a stump a bear with a chainsaw. I want to build a barn. I want to remodel a house. I think for now I will continue to build set, that and then I will go work with some more wood once set is down.

Good day ya'll

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


here is something one of my friends did and I figured it would be fun as well. It took me a while to answer these things, picking five is difficult for some of the things, really hard for the others. Here goes nothing.

5 things I plan to do before I die.

1. Publish a book.
2. Build my own home.
3. Be a cowboy for at least a week.
4. Own an HK .40
5. Run a camp.

5 things I can do.

1. Organize
2. Drive
3. Encourage
4. Use a chainsaw
5. Bake, Cook & Eat

5 thing I can't do.

1. speak spanish well
2. not help in some way
3. kill a cat :(
4. have sex yet
5. stand people who don't take the iniative

5 things I say.

1. Lord help!
2. It's out of my control.
3. Oh, look at you. (for now at least)
4. OOH, Pick me!
5. Sorry! I'm an idiot!

5 things that attract me to the opposite sex

1. joyful & simple
2. spontaneous or willing to follow me when I am
3. seeing them interact w/ children and babies
4. French braids, cute shirt, jeans, no shoes or socks (i'm a sucker)
5. outdoorsy yet refined?