Tuesday, March 06, 2007


a story from yesterday...

So I was in the Campus Center, SW corner on my computer working...
emo folk walk over with DVD. Campus Center emo-dwellers come over and see what is up, ask if they got it. Big ol' TV is also in the SW corner, a whole 2 feet from me. They move furniture and face me (which is also facing the TV) . They are pretty much looking at me. Here is what I heard. Laugh when you feel so inclined.

"There is no color, shouldn’t there be color? Oh I don’t know. (3 people behind TV) Is it even on? Hue makes it turn green or blue or something. Change it back. It says converter? Did I do anything, undo that one and put it in Aux. How bout now? Hold on babe, (guy to guy) Plug this into anything, Video 1 went off. That means bad. It won’t go back in. Give me that, you don’t know what you are doing. S-Video 2 isn’t what you want. We want to watch James and the Giant Peach. That’s not a diamond, nope, Is it white gold? I haven’t seen it yet. We need to bend the pin back right. I have an earring, so do I. Hold on, we shall get it to work. Trying plugging them all in. We don’t have them all, it is supposed to be plugged in? Black and white is ok. Why don’t we just watch it on a laptop. Let’s just act it out, I’m James, a giant peach. Maybe it’s a black and white movie, why don’t we have color? Hey Stephan, do you know how to get color? This movie is in Black and white, give me the case. You’re thinking of the wizard of oz. Oh ya, wait no. Maybe there is something else, do menu. What is popping? Don’t be alarmed anyone. What is this thing? It’s not plugged in at all. Let’s just watch it and see what happens. It’s working through the S-video. What isn’t working? Ok, let’s just watch. This needs to be plugged in. This needs to be plugged in. This needs to be plugged in. Ok, I heard you, we don’t have enough plugs. (movie plays in black and white, they give up getting it to work properly) What did he just give that away? (some move around and get comfy) (slight pause) I’m cold. "

This was my entertainment last night!

Have a good day everyone, Spring is coming!

wanting to climb REAL bad,



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