Monday, November 13, 2006

a year and some not quite procrastination

A year ago today I was all packed ready to leave for PA, ready to leave for home for my birthday dinner and then a trip to Florida to build some dock. A year ago tonight I was in Kions singing Praise Adonia. A year ago today.

Now I am not quite procrastinating. I will rant and rave about my test tomorrow, in a Q & A style.

Q1. Why were all the people ticked off and sad on the eve of the reformation?

A1American style: they were ticked they couldn't come to america.
A2. well Dr. A. I know 2 words won't be enough for you, but really it was just the Black Death

Q2. Describe the process of Luther's life/ideas from his entry...blah blah blah, Dr. A. really means right everything you are supposed to know about Luther.

A2. Luther was mad at his dad. He didn't want to be a lawyer, he becomes a monk instead. God says no Luther, you will be a protestant. He leaves Monkhood. Tower Experience, 95 Thesis make more people mad because of the printing press and all. He believes sola fides-by faith alone. Stupid catholics and their indulgences is what he says. He also says sola scriptura, by scripture alone, scripture is the only thing to test things too. So anyway, Luther makes people mad and goes to the Diet of Worms 1521-he doesn't recant. Leaves. BYE Luther. oh ya, he gets married also, but he did leave his monk lifestyle.

Luther was a cool guy really, maybe I'll see him someday.

Q3. Why reformations not just reformation?
A3. Well, what do I want to write?

1. Luther changed things
2. Zwingli changed some things too
3. Grebel did the whole Anabaptist thing, although Dr. A never mentioned him as the founder
4. Calvin well, he changed it up some too. He goes all over the place to minster and makes Calvinists all over the continent
5. Henry VIII changed some things will all his Catholic beliefs and no male heir thing
6. Cranmer makes things Protestant again with his "book of common prayer"
7. Oh, Bloody Mary kills most of the protestants
8. she dies, and Elizabeth Uno says that "peace is better than being right" and says do whatever you want just don't tick off your neighbor
9. The Society of Jesus trains some catholic priests
10. Prots and Caths debate at the Council of Trent and everyone is mad and leaves w/o resolve.
GO CHRISTIANS! <-That was my smart butt comment. blah blah blah, Spanish lose many armies, everyone fights, French, Germany, English, all at Civil War because of religion, a few details happen until John Locke the Anarchist himself comes in and tells everyone how to overthrow the government. He does a good job and everyone likes him.

Q4. Are you still reading this?
A4. ???
My answer...I sure hope not, I am just rambling and "they" tell me that I should rewrite or retype the main key points in my notes so I learn it better. I didn't feel like writing so I typed it instead and I am sure at least one of you will find it humurous, if not most people's blogs are just something to kill time with anyway. like facebook and all the other online community type things that are a genious marketing idea. So anyway, I guess I shall go study for another 30 minutes or so until I get to go work on a non-crashing Mac in the Art building to finish my photoshop assignment for tomorrow. i hope the printer has ink tonight.

enjoying my new The Rupublic of Tea teas and MWS Christmas...


p.s. Christmas music can be played whenever the yeck I want.


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