Saturday, January 27, 2007


We know that if people are bored it is more a statement about the person than about their situation. But in OUR case, it is definitely about the situation. Today - tonight - Houghton College is BORING. The peanut gallery says that it's an attitude problem, but we also know that is a false accusation.

So, the list of things to do in Houghton tonight...

1.) BAKE OFF. Been there. Done that.
2.) INTERNATIONAL BANQUET. Missed that. Over.
3.) MOVIE. Impossible to watch tonight. The world has conspired against us.

The secretary is now moving over so that the boss can write. Ciao.

I guess she thinks I am the boss, so here I go...and I think I am in a bad mood so be careful to read this in a "Dan is angry" type tone of voice to yourself.

You know, I really don't even care like talking. I wish my computer had a DVD player, then we wouldn't be having any problems. All we wanted to do was watch a movie, but I couldn't do that and because of that this night has been unproductive, I have been with her since 6 and the only amount of fun that we have had on this Saturday night is the fun I had spending $6 at the bake sale auction.

and Yes, I do think you should be having a pitty party for me!

Back to something but I really have no idea what,

odg & my secretary/future wife

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mr.King Daniel (title compliments of Ms. Joanna)

my future sister-in-law says I should post. (that alone is enough of an entry for me)

she wants me to share my exciting news. (any guesses?)

i don't want to because I haven't told all my friends that I am engaged. (oops)

She says I am a punk...and sooo silly. (probably true)

she also doesn't want to fold more frickin' clothes that aren't hers. (she has to go back to college tomorrow and may be sad)

So I am sitting on a couch in Western NY at my future wife's house. (red, blue and green plaid)

I am now engaged. (woot woot!)

If you are a faithful blog reader I am sure you are invited so save the date of September 29, 2007. We are getting married that day! (more woot woots)

I also am sorry if you found out I am engaged through this blog entry, but I asked and she said "yes" so tuff. (no really I am sorry)

as i sit here next to her I pray all goes well,
