Sunday, January 15, 2006

like a subject line in emails

It's been awhile since I visited this corner of the world wide web. Today my thoughts are scattered all around, some are still in PA, some are going skyward, and some are just jumbled up inside my head. I give you warning that the following may or may not make sense. My thoughts aren't there to convict you, I just want to make you think. They may or may not be one liners. There are no correct answers, no modified true and false, and no multiple choice. The test comes later. (touchdown Steelers; 13-0)

now 14-0. Oh look a timeline of my typing.

So I am now a student at Houghton College. I still really can't believe it. Close Christian school with outdoor recreation. I never ever thought I would go to college, never really wanted to. I always said that if I did go to college I would go to NOLS first. I was not joking when I said that, but I never thought it would happen. God is present. I also "joked" that I wanted to go to Houghton. semi-close to home and close to Kinzue which would allow water skiing and camping within an hour. Holiday Valley is also not far away. I never imagined I would be here, not in a million years. So now the TV has died. It is a polar bear in a snow storm right now. I am getting frustrated, I'm paying good money to be here, the cable TV should not go blank...grrrrr. Big Al's must get a better connection cause it sure is bothering me right now. (the tv went blank if you haven't figured it out yet)

so here are some of my random thoughts.

#1~ is the blank TV God telling me to go study and not watch football? i hope not, He knows I like it
#2~ JFK said "to whom much is given, much is required" this quote is in my mind because of Roger Kerry my old boss. For some reason I thought that quote was from the Bible. I guess it really isn't. I thought about that today during church. I guess I'm not sure why that was in my head today, but it was. I'm still thinking about that quote though, maybe if it developed into more I will let you know.
#3- is Apple Incorporated racist? How many black computers have you seen of theirs. How many ipods? I guess that would make Dell and IBM racist as well? I know this is silly but I like entertaining myself sometimes so get over it.
#4- the TV is working now. It has been for awhile. 911 prayers do work (?)
#5- I have decided that I like Capital One commercials. Yes I only see them when I watch football, but David Spade is a bit of a funny guy and I like the commercials. I wonder if they get more than laughs?
#6- (14,3)
#7~ and here is what I really wanted to write about, sorry you had to read all that other stuff above...

Resources and being a good steward.

I guess that topic isn't as big as I thought, my thoughts aren't as deep as I would like them to be. I have to say this. If you are a Christian, and you don't recycle or think about resources and the way you live, shame on you. Recycle your paper and plastics. Don't run the dishwashwer when it is only 1/3 full. 20 gallons of water are used for each load. (national average) washing the same amount of dishes by hand uses 5 gallon. There is a fine line for some of this. I'm not perfect by any means. My parents have a hot tub and I enjoy being in it. (soaking in your own juices) I guess I just want you to think.

Back to football now- go Steelers!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogger Unknown said...

You posted :). I'm not sure where you got your dishwasher quote but I have actually heard it takes more water to wash by hand. Regardless 1/3 full is not an option. I am gonna throw out the whole compost idea too. We always end up with way more compost and recycling than garbage at my house and it's not hard. I DO NOT like capital one comercials. Props to them for using multiple different styles (David spade, the vikings) but they still annoy me. And last, yeah I really thought that Roger quote was from the Bible too. Oh well. Go Stillers-Jn

Blogger Unknown said...

Just Kidding. . . Luke 12:48

Blogger Dan said...

Water quote USGS-heres the site...

also, I feel dumb now, that the quote is actually from the Bible. Thanks though, I couldn't find it earlier.

as a button reads of someone I know. "Compost Happens"

Blogger the reified bean said...

yo dan
i have a black's really cool. it makes me feel very sophisticated and Starbucksy and racially sensitive. boo yah!
thanks for the pic, by the way...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used your post in my blog..
I was interested to know people who liked Capital One credit cards.

Thanks again,


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