Saturday, April 22, 2006


Hello everyone,
So I have a few thoughts, they are scattered about like most of theme but I just finished spending 4 hours writing a spanish paper, scattered thoughts are allowed no?

Last night we had a group of boys on the RC, only 5 of them so you would think it would of been a lot of fun right? It was fun, but each group proves more that Jesus is needed, or at least good parents and good role models (they need Jesus also). I know I have wrote about this before but I just don't understand. Why don't 5 older teenagers talk? It was like they didn't want to have fun, that sitting there not talking was what they wanted to do. Maybe our program stinks and I am not any good at what I do, or what I don't do. It just bothers me that is all. No "thank you" for the pancakes, not even a "see ya" when I take them home, just let me grab my bags from the trunk and walk away, no need to turn around and respond to the "see you later" I just heard. GOSH! Enough.

Sleeping outside in a lean-to last night gave me the urge to build. Dan can't go long without building. Cutting down trees is a close second. If cutting down trees or working with wood don't happen Dan can become grumpy. Saws were designed and created to be used, not sit in a box. Guys need to smell like sawdust and oil at least 6 times a year to be fully functional, those that don't meet the requirement aren't reaching their full potential. WA would like to add another lean-to to it's property. Cost- approx. $1500. Donations welcome. Comment if you would like to help. It would go towards a good cause, I promise :) (All donations are tax deductable)

My last thought before I go and make myself something to eat for dinner at 7PM.
I strongly dislike IBM's. Mine is broken and the people next door are trying to fix it. Today I have a loaner from the helpdesk people. I hope it comes back soon. I miss Firefox and my own background and files. Oh, and I miss my music too, sure I could go to my car and and get CD's, but it is raining and I am wearing a down vest. (you MUST know that isn't healthy)

I must now go and find food to eat.

ejected as I fire another round~ ODG


Blogger Kelvin said...

Kia Ora (Hello) from a blogger down under in new Zealand. I was surfing the blog world when your blog popped up, so i thought I would say hello.
You should of just ran outside in your birthday suit to get your CD's from the car after all, "rain is just God's tears" - crying for the world !!! I would of ran outside in my birthday suit - might of frighten the neighbours but what the heck (hehe)

Blogger Unknown said...

See I agree with the previous statement. Yall know its what I would have done. Danl what does chopping trees down have to do with earth day. Oh wait you plant one for every one you chop down right? Right? -Jn


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